Monthly Update, Vol 5 – July 2014

Church Directory
Make-up/re-make dates for the directory photos are Jul. 28-Aug. 2. Call David Murray to schedule your appointment. We will be making photos of Sunday School classes and other groups on Sunday, August 3. If you are submitting any group photos, see David, Chad Medford or Todd Lavender.

We are collecting macaroni & cheese for Yokefellow.

Window Replacement Fund
More than 40 windows in our educational & old fellowship buildings need to be replaced before winter! Please designate donations to the “Window Fund.” ANY amount is welcome. For gifts of $250, we will add a plaque in honor or in memory of a loved one. Forms for the $250 contributions are on the offering table. Please complete a separate form for each window. Gifts of less than $250 will be acknowledged in a list in the bulletin once the windows are installed.

Grades 1-6 Summer Events
FUN Night: Wed., Jul. 23 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Wear old clothes and bring a towel. For info, see Kathy Campbell, Trina Smith or Lisa Bradley.
Movie: Thu., Aug. 7 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM to see Rio in Shelby.
Columbia Zoo: Saturday, August 16 (details soon!)

Fifth Wednesday Meal
Our Fifth Wednesday Meal on July 30 at 6:30 PM will be hot dogs. See Lisa Bradley for more details.

Fair Haven
Tommy Tisdale’s class meets at Fair Haven, Sunday, August 10.

Take The Awana Bible Challenge
Kay Conner has challenged all Awana clubbers to read or have someone read to you 8 chapters from any book in the Bible. Write down the name of the book and chapters and have a parent sign a note. Bring the signed note to our first meeting in September for a prize! Invite your friends to join the challenge and fun at Awana Club starting back in September!!